Geology Analysis: Amukta volcano


Geology analysis: Amukta volcano


Do a geology analysis of the Amukta volcano.

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Amukta volcano is a stratovolcano found on Amukta Island. The westernmost of the Islands of the four mountains group, 585 km West-southwest of the tip of Alaska Peninsula near the towns of Attu Station, 142 km to the North-West, Nikolski 168km to the North-East, Shemya 194km to the North-west and Atka 203 km to the South-West. Its Elevation is 1,066 m above the sea level and covers most parts of the 7.7 km wide Amukta Island (Mastin, 2014). Its cone is approximately 5.4 km in basal diameter, and 0.4 km ate the crater. It has an older caldera of about 6 km wide in diameter and open to the sea to the south. It has not hot springs or fumaroles

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