Geology Analysis: Mahukona Volcano


Geology Analysis: Mahukona Volcano


Do a geology analysis of the Mahukona Volcano.

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Mahukona, a seamount on the northwestern side of the Hawaii Island, is the most lately discovered shield volcano on the island of Hawaii. It was found in the year 1987 but only until the year 1990 that scientists could identify its geological features with precision. The volcano seals a gap in the Loa trend, which is the western chain of the two frequently spaced sequences of shield volcanoes. Therefore, it forms the youngest and south-most portion on the Hawaii-Emperor chain. Dan first discovered the gap (Garcia et al., 2012). The existence of Mahukona volcano, given a name for the nearby town on Hawaii Island was confirmed after a bathymetric survey. After that, lava samples were scoured and analyzed. The implication of the Kea and Loa chains of evidence for the heterogeneity of the Hawaiian mantle trail (Tibaldi, Bistacchi, Pasquarè, & Vezzoli, 2006).

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