Global Integration


Global Integration


  1. Describe what is meant by the terms ‘brain drain’ and ‘brain circulation’. Outline a global circuit of survival.
  2. Explain how transnational communities of professionals have the potential to foster economic growth.
  3. Compare and contrast the role of migration for developed versus developing countries.
  4. Discuss the impact of the current structure of global economic activity on the mobility of capital, both high-skilled and low-skilled.

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Brain drain denotes the situation in which a country losses skilled, technical and intellectual labour as labour moves to perceived favourable economic, geographic and professional setting. Skeldon (2009) refers to brain drain as a phenomenon that requires greater urgency, especially due to the wave of globalization and ageing societies (Howse, 2006).  Conversely, brain circulation is understood as movement of skilled and intellectual labour across the borders of a country. These terms is used to refer to the condition in which individuals contribute to the development of both sides of the borders. The global circuit of survival involves massive immigration, especially for women organised by illegal traffickers or governments for profit or revenue motives.

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