Global Marketing Management – Fentimans in Japan


Global Marketing Management – Fentimans in Japan


Write an analysis paper on global marketing management specifically focusing on Fentimans in Japan.

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Political and Legal Factors

Japan’s political system is led by a constitutional monarch with the head of state as the emperor who has limited influence in the country affairs (“EU Business in Japan”, 2020). However, state affairs are led by the prime minister in conjunction with the cabinet. Corruption risks remain low in Japan as irregular payments and bribes are very rare. However, amakudari, a traditional practice involves the assigning of government officials to senior positions in companies (GAN Integrity, 2018), and this remains a major problem. Companies consider tax rates as one of the most challenging factors of engaging in business, majorly because taxes are made more frequently compared to other high-income OECD countries (IMF, 2020). Besides, Japan has not implemented stringent regulation on the soft drink market (Kokubo et al., 2019), making it relatively easy for foreign brands to compete in the local market.

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