Grand Dame Queenie


Grand Dame Queenie


You will write an analysis of the qualities, significance, bias
(implice & explicit) of an image or practice that relates to
African American experience and/or culture. This image or
practice can be from any time period. You must show the
significance of this image or practice, how it exacerbates ideas
and values, how it effects those around it, and/or how it effects
your personally. You must quote from class material or use
information that we studied in class. You essay needs to be
subjective (the “I” voice) at least in part as you analyze your
subject through your own experiences.

Answer Preview 

The image of the woman is presented in a greyscale as the painter seeks to depict the aspect of color and bring about a theme of racialization, which remains related to color. Beauty within the context of this image has been presented through the repetition of colors which seem to emphasize the point the painter is making. The woman has closely cropped air and is properly dressed in simple clothing. The colors of the clothing worn by the woman and those in the background complement each other and hence making the image beautiful. The fact that the woman gazes directly at the viewer further attracts one to keep staring at the image.800

Word Count: 800