Green Conservation of Resources


Green Conservation of Resources (The Green Thread)


The earth is our home and the only one those of us taking this assignment will ever experience. The resources help us to sustain our life and our lifestyles. Chemistry and technology help transform resources into useful products. We take from environment those things that we find to be useful in processes materials for daily living. Going green involves doing the absolute best you can to conserve natural resources through responsible means such as choice of energy sources, types of resources use, and recycling, to name a few. This assignment involves examining how you think SVSU is doing its part with the green movement. Your assignment is to pick 2 events, sites, or operations are SVSU and examine how well it does with “green”. Examples might be dormitory lighting, maintenance and repair, football practice, security vehicle usage, food services, etc. You must be specific. You will do this by observing its operation.

  1. Choice of the site, title, full credits, why – 10 points (stronger sites = higher points)
  2. Write up to 2 pages maximum including 2 references – 5 points
  3. Detailed descriptions of the issue/concern, impact, solutions, alternatives, chemistry – 25 points

Conclusion – How you felt, why, and how might this be changed or should it – 10

Answer preview

The green thread can be considered to be a sustainability program that must be followed by the organization in many of the operations. It is a sustainability program that seeks to provide the organization with guidelines on ways of minimizing the environmental impact through the operations that SVSU undertakes (Aramark 2017). The focus of the program is on the entire organization and it targets every operation that presents significant environmental impact like transportation, energy consumption and waste management.

Word count: 574