Green Construction


Green Construction


CMGT 450-Assignment 4-CBA

Use the following article as a starting point and research Ethical Dilemma in Green Construction.

Make sure to answer the following questions in your report:

  • What are the ethical issues in green construction?
  • How can these issues be resolved?
  • Can you find a specific LEED-case study that experienced ethical issues?

Write a four-page report and include reliable references as suggested in the Syllabus.

Additional Requirements:

  • Use references and cite them according to a certain reference format like APA.
  • There should be at least four references to prove extensive research.
  • Use Formatting Requirements as given in another document.

Answer Preview 

Green construction, simply put, is the process that concerns itself with designing and building homes that are more energy-efficient and healthier. The goal is to ensure that the homes meet contemporary needs through the application of sustainable practices and green technology. Green construction, it must be appreciated, is both identifiable and innovative. A keen analysis of green construction reveals that it concerns itself with ensuring that the cradle to grave lifespan is lengthened in manufactured products (Bansal, 2017). This, in turn, raises the consciousness and awareness of people regarding the required energy demands. What makes green construction particularly appropriate is the fact tat it does not limit the freedom of luxury or design.

Word Count: 1300