Gucci Marketing Research


Gucci Marketing Research


Write a report paper on Gucci Marketing Research

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Gucci adopted the use of a high-standard catalog. However, the
campaign’s success did not reach the intended levels envisioned by the management of the
company and a plan to incorporate automated voice response for direct marketers and further
employ the technology to improve readership of the catalog and sales as a result. The marketing
team proposed the employment of a readership game where readers will find lucky numbers and
dial the company to get discounts inducing the customer to make purchases from the catalog.
Due to the investment involved and potential changes to the catalog, the top management
thought it important for market research to be conducted to determine the potential
effectiveness of a readership game by examining customer preferences and intentions towards
the game. The information gathered from the research and analysis will be important to the
management of the company as they decide whether the marketing plan is worthwhile and will
help in improving sales in the end. The results of the study will be inferred to the whole target
Word Count: 4600