Gucci Marketing Research Report


Gucci Marketing Research Report


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The purpose of the study is to assess the perception of Gucci and the potential returns of a new marketing strategy as developed by the marketing team. The new marketing strategy is one where the marketing team plans to introduce AVR to promotional games in catalogs with the hope of growing readership of catalogs and catalog sales as a result.

The study results show that the customers have a generally negative attitude towards participating in promotional games with those that enjoy promotional games for enjoyment purposes rather than playing to win. The attitude of the customers towards promotional games was found to be an important factor towards customer participation in the same. The perceptions of the inexpensiveness of the brand are the most important perception followed by the perception of sophistication and quality. Men were found to be more likely to buy something from catalogs that have promotional games in them than women are. The tools used to measure opinions about playing games in the catalogs were found to be a reliable measure of the same.

Gucci should consider the perceptions of price prestige and quality as it makes any changes to its marketing strategy. Men should be targeted more as they are more likely to participate in promotional games as compared to women.

Word Count: 3500