Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Effects


Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Effects


Write a paper essay on the effects of the oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico

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According to BP, there are various failures found to have caused the explosion. Dodgy cement is one of the failures whereby when they pumped cement at the bottom of the borehole, it did not seal thus causing oil and gas to leak.  Valve failure is another default that caused the cement flow to the surface, pressure test misinterpretation, not spotting the leak earlier, overwhelmed separator whereby instead of diverting the mud and gas away from the rig, it was diverted to a device onboard the rig, no gas alarm that should have sounded for the crew to close the ventilation fans that would have stopped the gas from reaching an explosion point, and due to this, there was no detection of the gas that led to the explosion. Lack of a battery for the blow out preventer in one of the systems that normally shut down valves automatically was another cause. If these failures had been detected earlier by the crew, then the explosion would not have happened. It is an explosion that killed and injured various people apart from other direct and indirect effects that it caused to the environment. It killed about 11 people and injured about 17 people. It is a disaster that was never expected with the fact that deep water rig had taken about seven years without an accident happening, which means that they had the experience and enough experts that would deal with such failures.

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