Hackers (1995)


Hackers (1995)


Pick any movie from the “Movies to See” list at the end of any chapter in American Ways. Describe the plot of the movie. What was it about?

–You do not need to do a detailed description of the movie, just a general idea of what it was about.

◦How does the movie relate to the material in the chapter it was listed in?

◦Did you enjoy the movie? Why or why not?

Answer preview

The movie ‘Hackers’ came out in the year 1995 telling the story of a group of high scholars who were hackers and how they got involved with some extortion conspiracies. The story mostly focuses on a young boy named Dade whom before joining high school had earlier been arrested for causing a crash of numerous computer systems through writing a virus. After joining high school, he met with other teenagers who were interested in the technology that had only started evolving.

Word count: 315