Hackers as computer-security consultant


Hackers as computer-security consultant


Kevin Mitnick is a well-known computer hacker. Do you think that a hacker such as Kevin would make a good computer-security consultant? Please justify your answer and identify advantages and disadvantages of using a hacker as a computer-security consultant.

Answer Preview 

The primary premise of hiring a hacker as a computer consultant is the issue of trust. The level of trust matters when deciding whether a former hacker can be trusted with organizational network is crucial. The role of a consultant is not just to secure the network, but make the entire network entirely reliant on them. Hiring a former hacker is worthwhile as long as chances of compromising a security are minimal. The consultant would possibly have a desk at the company, know the spending budget and influence the expenditure (“Hiring Hackers as Security Consultants”, 2005). However, some steps should be adopted to minimize chances of security exploitation.

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