Handgun Control in Canada


Handgun Control in Canada


Your argument analysis should be clearly expressed in essay form. Evaluate the argument presented in the editorial you choose, indicating what its conclusion and major premises are, how logically strong you think it is, and how adequate, relevant, and acceptable its premises are. If this is applicable, please also indicate how you think the argument could be improved (for instance does it have missing premises? Does it use an
irrational technique of persuasion?)

Answer preview

The editorial being analyzed is one that deliberates on whether there should be a handgun ban in Canada. The question of handguns is one that continues to elicit heated debates and mixed reactions among Canadians. Even though the legal controls governing the possession and use of handguns were previously strict and effective, they have weakened and become ineffective over time. As statistics on handguns indicate, injuries and deaths continue to rise at an alarming rate. Even though it has become increasingly evident that handguns only cause anguish and pain, little has been done both the law enforcement agencies and the political class in trying to address the issue conclusively to halt the bloodshed.

Word count: 1008