
Harlem’s Children’s Zone


Discuss about Harlem’s Children’s Zone

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Harlem children’s zone is a profitless organization developed in the 1990 by Geoffrey Canada. This organization aims in helping children and families that are living in poverty in Harlem. The organization supports thousands of families and children by providing workshops, school programs, health programs and pre-school programs. Its central goal is reducing generational poverty among these families and children. Geoffrey’s radical mission was to attest that children growing in poverty, especially black children can be successful as the ones raised by dutiful parents.

Children and families living in Harlem faced a lot afflictions; cheap guns, crack cocaine, drugs, homelessness, street killings and prison. Harlem’s children’s zone offer services such as after school programs, prevention of absenteeism, anti hostility training for most teenagers and have since done a lot of good in molding their characters.

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