Health Communication Campaign


Health Communication Campaign


1-Problem Statement write your problem statement using CDcynergy as a guide.

2-Audience Analysis Conduct an audience analysis of your target audience for your campaign. Describe your audience, who are they, how you may segment them, and what you have found with basic market research—news and entertainment they choose, brands they like, styles they prefer, etc

Answer Preview 

The health communication campaign will focus on promoting the adoption of sports among African-American youth aged between 18 and 25 years. Studies have indicated that inactivity among young persons in the community has led to an increase in the development of preventable health conditions and a rising number of deaths. In addition, the medical costs associated with these health conditions have increased significantly. The paper has outlined the various components of social marketing, and the behavioral model, which will guide the communication campaign. Besides, it presents a pre-testing plan, a focus group protocol, an estimated budget, and the implementation plan.

Word Count; 3900