Hellen Keller “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much”


Hellen Keller “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much”


The journal assignments in each of your major social work courses are designed to facilitate this by having you reflect on your learning experiences. You will also focus on embracing diverse points of view through journaling.

For each journal, you will be provided a separate list of quotations from diverse cultures. You will select one proverb, maxim, adage, or cultural wisdom expression.  What resonated with you?  What was the author saying?  To whom was the author speaking?  What message can be shared with others?

You will submit a typed, double space, 2-3 paragraph reflection. One page.

Journal 1 Options

  • Oprah: Failure is just a way for our lives to show us we’re moving in the wrong direction, that we should try something different.
  • Franklin Roosevelt: To some generations much is given. Of other generations, much is expected.
  • Paul Lawrence Dunbar: We wear the mask that grins and lies.
  • Martin Luther King: Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
  • Robert Frost: In 3 words, I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.
  • James Brown: Say it loud. I’m black and I’m proud.
  • Malcolm X: Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare today.
  • Ojiway: The grandfathers and the grandmothers are in the children; teach them well.
  • Irish Proverb: Your feet will bring you where your heart is.
  • Helen Keller: Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.

Answer preview

As an individual one can only manage to achieve so little, however, when that energy is combined with that of others, then great things can be achieved that are beyond anyone’s imagination. Additionally, in the instance, where the intentions of the teams are real and true then the objective that they have set out to do is easily achievable. This quote resonated with me as an individual in that, it informs me that in the instance, where I work with other people then it is easier to achieve more rather than when am working alone.

Word count: 308