Hepatitis C: Co-morbid Illnesses and the Impact on the Quality of Life


Hepatitis C: Co-morbid Illnesses and the Impact on the Quality of Life


1. The impact of chronic hepatitis C and co-morbid illnesses on health-related quality of life- Jeffrey W.Kwan, Ruth C.Cronkite, Anthony Yiu, Mary K Goldstein, Lewis, Kazis, Ramsey  C. Cheung

2. Antiviral therapy in Elderly Patients with Hepatic C virus infection-Justin Rheem, MD, Vinay Sundaram, MD,MSc, and Sammy Saab MD,MPH, AGAF, FAASLD
4. Psychometric evaluation of the Hepatitis C virus patient-reported outcomes(HCV-PRO) Instrument: validity, responsiveness, and identification of the minimally important difference in phase 2 clinical trial-Roger T.Anderson. Robert W.Baran, Jennifer Erickson.Dennis A.Revicki. Birgitta Dietz, Katherine Gooch
5. Diagnosis and Management of Hepatitic C- Thad, Wilkins, et al.
6. National Progress Toward Hepatitis C Elimination- Georgia,2015-2016- Lia Gvinjilia et..all
7 . The journal of Clinical pharmacology  Wendy Carter et all
8. Overcoming Barriers to new treatment options for hepatitis c – Brennan, Christine  PhD,RN, NP-BC
9. Hepatitis C prevention, and treatment prioritization-ethical, economic and evidential dimension of early rather than delayed treatment for people who inject drugs- Mathew, Hickman, Natasha,
10. Syringe service Program for persons who inject Drugs in Urban, Suburban, and Rural areas -United states,2013  Don C.Des Jarlais et all.
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Chronic hepatitis C disease is a serious health issue that affects about 80 million across the world, as per 2016 estimates. The purpose of the current research paper is to explore hepatitis C virus and disease, with a focus on the comorbidities associated with the health issue. Hepatitis is a medical condition that is characterized by an inflamed liver, which often produces a swelling, with sometimes there being permanent liver damage. Projections indicate that in the next few decades, there will be an increase in the complications associated with hepatitis C disease. Chronic HCV treatment entails the combination of ribavirin and pegylated interferon, with the addition of telaprevir or boceprevir for genotype 1 patients.
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