Hire for Fit, Train for Skills Hiring Strategy: Discussion Paper


Hire for Fit, Train for Skills Hiring Strategy: Discussion Paper


Write a discussion paper on Hire for Fit, Train for Skills Hiring Strategy: Discussion Paper

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The hire for fit, and train for skills hire strategy simply refers to the search of a person who above all their other skills, has emotional intelligence (Elias & Moceri, 35). Dominic. This can be seen in the case of a health facility. Most health personnel do not say yes to a patient who walks to a reception requesting to have an X-ray done. The answer they normally get is that they have to see a doctor first, before they can be allowed their request. The hire for fit, train for skill seeks to change the way in which healthcare professional respond to their patients. This means that a person is not hired into a healthcare facility first because they are qualified nurses, but first because they have people skills. These people will then be later trained to be qualified nurses to compete the package. The hospital will pride itself in nurses who not only know their job, but are also emotionally intelligent in dealing with patients and the other members of the team.

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