Hollywood Cinema-The blockbuster and high concept film becoming the prevailing mode for mainstream Hollywood product.


Hollywood Cinema-The blockbuster and high concept film becoming the prevailing mode for mainstream Hollywood product.


Students are required to submit a research essay on one of the topics from the list supplied. Students are free to adapt, change or invent their own topic if they desire, but only in consultation with their tutor. Essays are to be appropriately researched in accordance with 3rd year standards, cited correctly according to the APA style system.

Essays are to be 3500 words in length with a Reference List of all works cited in the body of their essay (note, ONLY sources cited in the essay are appropriate for a Reference List). This research essay must draw upon ideas/concepts/discussions stemming from lectures and tutorials. Failure to reflect these ideas will result in a failure of the submission.

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Overview of the Concepts of Blockbusters and high concept films

The blockbuster and the high concept film have become the main products in the Hollywood film industry in the recent years. Most of the successful films produced in the industry belong to either of the two genres. The blockbuster is generally a high-budget film that parades topnotch actors (Acland, 2013). It has a high budget of production and marketing, due partly to the fact that it has to use high-end production equipment, and the A-list actors and actresses. Due to the big budget, these movies generally have a wide release, and extensive marketing (Tieber, 2011). The idea is to reach as many people as possible, and therefore accrue the maximum revenue possible. As Stenger (1997) states, the wide release, and extensive advertising and media coverage leads to high returns on investment, since as more people are reached, the film can record a high number of cinema ticket sales and associated product sales. Therefore, for blockbusters, the filmmakers earn notable profits, except in rare cases where a blockbuster may falter in the market and not earn as much profits as anticipated.

Word Count: 3700