Homelessness Eradication


Homelessness Eradication


“In January this year(2018), it was reported that homelessness increased again for the seventh year in a row. Identify what steps can be taken to reduce this disturbing trend and how successful do you think they might be?”
Prepare a presentation based on this topic and cover the four areas:
1. Background
2. Problem: what problem we face
3. Solution 1
4. Solution 2
-4 slides of PowerPoint (not including title page and references); one to cover each of the four points above, use them as titles.
-a 700 word speech for the presentation

Answer preview

The national and local governments have constantly focused on ending homeless on particular groups such as chronically homeless people, the veterans and venerable people such as mothers and children (Johnstone et al., 2015).

While these efforts have become effective, especially when fostered by the government and community support, homelessness still characterizes the social problem at the national level (Johnstone et al., 2015). This indicates that efforts to end homeless have remained disordered and mixed-up, creating the long-standing problem of problems.

This presentation explains some simple but imperative solutions to end homeless, an approach that will not focus on a particular set of people, but provide a solution to all victims of homeless.

Word count: 930