How Apple’s CRM Strategy Can Potentially Bolster Customer Loyalty and Improve Growth


How Apple’s CRM Strategy Can Potentially Bolster Customer Loyalty and Improve Growth


Write 1,200-word non-academic article that offers a professionally informed analysis of the development of CRM-related practices of a chosen company.

You need to write in a style suitable for a business audience (rather than academic). Imagine you are writing an article for a business publication (e.g. Financial Times, Forbes, The Economist) or the business section of a newspaper (e.g. BBC Money, The Guardian Business).

You can use a catchy headline, short paragraphs and short sentences. You can use rhetorical questions and adopt a ‘journalism-like’ writing style. AVOID academic jargons and do NOT use theories or models in this part.

You can assume a certain level of prior knowledge of the subject area amongst your potential readers. On the other hand, make sure you provide facts to support your arguments and ideas.

Answer Preview

Customer loyalty involves a situation where customers feel attached to a product, and would repeatedly want to consume and be associated with the relevant brand. Loyal customers not only make repeat purchases and enhance a firm’s revenue, but they also recommend the brand to their contacts, resulting in growth in sales for the company in question.

Apple’s CRM strategy has helped to increase customer loyalty. For instance, Apple Genius is a component of technical support that permits customers to meet face-to-face with technicians and go through a variety of problems and solutions in depth. This contact is critical in promoting brand awareness and making consumers understand what Apple prioritizes. In such a way, when the clients understand the products and their superior features, they are more likely to become loyal to the firm. The firm reaps maximally from this CRM activity as it gets the first-hand experience of its customers. It becomes much easier to address pressing issues about the products and even advise customers on the next trend of products.  This way, customers not only feel as if they are part of the Apple products, but their feedback is integrated in the final products. This means that the iPhones and other Apple products reflect the needs and preferences of the consumers, resulting in higher levels of customer satisfaction. Consistent client satisfaction culminates in customer loyalty. Apart from the professional interaction, the company uses this chance to create more social networks with consumers, an element that increases referrals for the company’s products.

Word Count: 1100