How Corona Virus has affected Life across the Globe


How Corona Virus has affected Life across the Globe


I need between 4/5 pages about coronavirus, and how it is affected life in the world.

In the last 2 pages, between (2-3 fully developed paragraphs) reflect on the past three weeks during which, for many, there have been many changes, challenges and even crises. Have you experienced any level of crises as they relate to the public health situation (e.g. school, job, family, finances, social)? If so how have you dealt with them? What have you learned about how you cope with change and/or crises situations? How do you think the way you have dealt with these issues will impact your social work practice (be specific)? If you haven’t dealt personally with a crisis, have you observed others around you experiencing crises? If so, what has been your assessment in terms of how they have managed things? What have you learned about yourself in terms of how you judge others’ who might be in crisis?

Answer Preview 

First, coronavirus spreads extremely fast through contact and affects human health negatively. With pneumonia-like symptoms, the virus has sent shivers across the world due to its toll on human health (Engle, 2020). The suffering that accompanies the disease is massive, which has made people live under perpetual fear. Currently, healthcare and social workers have engaged endless efforts to attend to those that contract the virus. It is hard to overlook the fact that many aged people are the most vulnerable to the virus and their health has been massively affected. Most notably, a majority of Italian victims have been senior citizens aged above 58 years (Engle, 2020). As a consequence, the damage to human health has resulted in deaths in some instances. The pain of living knowing one is susceptible to contracting the disease is immense and it has hugely affected the emotional and mental health of most people. In this case, the disease has been a threat to human health.

Word Count: 1600