How Corporate Social Responsibility Strengthens the Organization’s Performance through a better Image in the Stakeholder’s mind


How Corporate Social Responsibility Strengthens the Organization’s Performance through a better Image in the Stakeholder’s mind


Discuss how Corporate Social Responsibility strengthens the organization’s performance through a better image in the stakeholder’s mind.

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Corporate citizenship is about reducing the negative while maximizing positive environmental and social effects. Therefore, stakeholders’ engagement forms the core skills and critical activities to facilitate the success of CSR. In the current business practices, stakeholders can no longer decide whether to involve stakeholders or not but it boils down to how and when to engage them (Chapleo and Simm, 2010). If firms fail to engage stakeholders in their activities, it becomes apparent that the firm should brace up on losing out with negative consequences. Over time, companies strive to build a positive corporate image that can sustain the reputation of the business as it goes about its operations.

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