How do we get out of this mess?


How do we get out of this mess?


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The author of this piece starts by introducing the reader to different questions relating to politics that enables for one to understand and make sense of the rest of the article. In this case, the author uses a kind of framing narrative in this article to get the attention of the reader and to ensure that the reader is engaged with the opinions provided in the piece. In order to make the framing and narrative effective the author has given examples of the political histories of the Keynesian social democracy and the neoliberalism and this helps the reader to make sense of the arguments made in the article afterwards. The author also explains the narrative structure of both the stories told by social democracy and neoliberalism despite their opposing views on politics. The author has some very important ideas and mostly arguments based on different histories made in the past and looks forward to change some of the behaviors to change the outcomes.

Word Count: 300