How Does Socio-Cultural Diversity Affect Leadership In A Company


How Does Socio-Cultural Diversity Affect Leadership In A Company


Write this as a proposal for a dissertation on the topic “How Does Socio-Cultural Diversity Affect Leadership In A Company”

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In modern companies, the leaders and managers have to manage multi-ethic and multi-cultural workforces at the workplace. For example, a team working on an important project may comprise members from China, Africa, Britain, Saudi Arabia, Canada and the United States of America. This very fact of the people coming from different countries and cultural settings underpins a challenges, that of converging the differences, and getting the people to work together towards a common goal. A challenge may arise where there is a lack of multi-cultural competencies, meaning that some of the individuals may not be tolerant or understand to work with people with different views about many aspects of work and general life. In the context of the business company, the leadership has to ensure that they adopt appropriate leadership styles and ensures they lead their companies to success. This is not always an easy task, hence the need for the proposed study to explore the attendant implications.

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