How Does Socio-Cultural Diversity Affect Leadership In A Company(Dissertation)


How Does Socio-Cultural Diversity Affect Leadership In A Company(Dissertation)


Write a dissertation on Socio-Cultural Diversity and its effects on Leadership

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In the modern business world, issues leading to internationalization as well as globalization have greatly led to massive socio-cultural interaction of various cultures. As a result, individuals in various companies represent diverse socio-cultural aspects, hence each aspect defining the effectiveness of operations at different organization levels. Today organizations are changing in the advent of globalization and the increasing democratization of the workplace (Cook & Brunton, 2017). Presently, workplaces are becoming more social-culturally diverse, meaning that people from different social and cultural backgrounds are working in the same offices (Arribas-Bel, Kourtit & Nijkamp, 2013). This in itself is a beneficial development, as it implies that an organization can benefit from multidisciplinary team. The idea is that companies now have diverse employees, who have to co-exist and tolerate each other to execute the goals of the company. The cultural and social diversity has an implication for leaders. Among others, the leadership in a company has to find strategies that are designed to ensure that the diversity within the company is not only created and promoted, but it is also managed productively.  According to Schorn (2014), while most leaders use primary styles in the approach to management, a leader`s cultural values and traditions have a great impact to the leadership styles, leadership behaviors, personality, inclusivity and decision making. The success of an organization is largely dependent on the ability of the leaders to choose the right leadership style depending on the situation. Taleghani, Salmani & Taatian (2010) says that while most leaders apply their own personal styles in leading people, these personal styles are heavily influenced by socio-cultural differences. These differences give the leadership the ability to improve especially in the global business (Duggan, 2002).

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