How External Adaptation and Internal Integration Become Culture’


How External Adaptation and Internal Integration Become Culture’


Each student will analyze a preselected piece of literature from the required course readings and should analyze the piece of literature at two levels as a minimum: (a) the summary of the content of the piece and (b) the quality of your critique and analysis. As a part of their presentations students will prepare a one page written summary of the summary, critique, and analysis. Please use a standard bibliographic form: (a) full identification of the reference at the top of the paper, (b) a brief summary (1 paragraph) of the main thesis or theses, (c) your opinions of ideas discussed in the article, (d) the reasons for your opinions, and (e) the implications for scholarship and/or practice.

For the critique aspect of the analysis, some questions you might ask of the article include (a) what are the key ideas, (b) are the author’s ideas reasonable and well supported, (c) what assumptions has the author made, (d) is there any evidence of bias, (e) how could the author’s ideas be tested, and (f) what reasons do you have for agreeing or disagreeing with these ideas. If the article discusses a research study, comment on the research design, methods, and other elements associate with judging the quality of the research. Please do not repeat the title of the article in the text of your critique as this wastes space and is unnecessary.

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Slide Count: 13 slides