How Individuals Internalize the Values, Norms, and Beliefs of their Social World


How Individuals Internalize the Values, Norms, and Beliefs of their Social World


Socialization is defined as the process by which the individual internalizes the norms, values, and beliefs of their social world.  The socialization process occurs throughout the life course of the individual and is influenced by agents of socialization, which include a variety of social institutions and daily social interactions.

Think about how you have been influenced by agents of socialization throughout your life.  Consider how you have been molded and shaped through years of socialization.

In an essay, compare and contrast how agents of socialization impacted your life when you were a high school student and now as a college student. How would this be different if you attended high school or college at a different school, or even within a different country? Be sure to define the term agents of socialization and identify the specific categories of agents of socialization in your response.

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Choice 3- How Individuals Internalize the Values, Norms, and Beliefs of their Social World


The main agents of socialization that facilitate the internalization of norms, values, and beliefs include family, peer groups, religion, the mass media, and school. These socialization agents realize the attainment of norms through means such as role-play, direct instruction, interaction, imitation, and the concept of rewards and punishment (Henslin 2014). In my own life, the agents of socialization that have impacted my life include my parents, school, peers, religion, and mass media.

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