How is online identity developed in a networked era?


How is online identity developed in a networked era?


  • Choose a theme/debate/issue/concern connected to media, communication and cultural studies with an emphasis on digital media (e.g. sexting, online abuse, parenting, work, political activism, selfies, etc.) and write a methodology to investigate this, explain why you are choosing the approaches you are (suitability) and why you are not choosing others (limitations/unsuitability). You will need to begin with a research question to guide your methodology, which you will prepare with your seminar leaders in class. Here are some examples:
  • What are the possibilities and constraints in the intersections between gender and digital cultures?
  • Is digital media changing the experience of marginal identity in the workplace?
  • What are the patterns of inequality in digital media production?
  • What are the patterns of inequality in digital media consumption?
  • What are the Practices, Attitudes and Influences of Sexting for young women and men?
  • In what ways has digital media changed the experiences of masculinity/femininity?
  • How is online identity performed in a networked era?
  • Are there new forms of violence online?
  • Are there new ways to challenge gender stereotypes and gendered violence online?
  • Is digital media engineering a male dominated field? Why or why not?

In what ways do people gender their mobile phones and why?

Answer Preview 

Influenced by post-culturalism, CDA is based on the perspective that social and discursive processes are complexly related. CDA is not only based on post-culturalism, but also on the sociolinguistic aspects that focus upon the partly linguistic perspective of the social and cultural structures and processes (Morgan, 2010).  As a constructionist approach, CDA provides that epistemology, knowledge, is constructed; meaning that there is no external objective truth or reality awaiting discovery. As such, individuals experience subjectivity in their social context characterized by culture and language that gives meaning to one’s self and their experience of the world. However, culture and language already exhibit ideological and symbolic aspects, which influence the way of thinking about the world. As such, it is important to use the methodological aspects of CDA to study the development of self (identity) and meaning in society.

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