How Kinship Is Experienced By Aboriginal People in Contemporary Australia


How Kinship Is Experienced By Aboriginal People in Contemporary Australia


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Aboriginal communities still believe in these spirits. According to them, these spirits communicate with the ancestors, who then relay their messages to the living. It is also believed that there are some spirits who remain on land and continue to guide the aboriginal communities in their day to day relations (Grieves, 2009, p. 65).  Apart from kinship being tied to the center to the Dreaming, it is also socially constructed. The social construction of the dreaming is unavoidable because of the effects of modernity and the continued interrelationship between the aboriginal and the other modern societies. In the past, these modifications did not happen due to distinct borders that were highly valued by the aboriginal communities. These borders were not crossed; hence, there were minimal community interactions with outsiders. The people who presently exist in the Dreaming have seen it necessary to make some changes so that they can adapt to the changing circumstances, for example, when they were invaded and colonized (Jang, 2015, p. 128). Most notably, the Dreaming is still an important point of reference because the aboriginal believe that it is omnipresent.

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