How Listening to Certain Music can be an effective Relaxation Technique


How Listening to Certain Music can be an effective Relaxation Technique


Listen to the Mountain Lake segment on the relaxation CD that came with your textbook or you can download the file above.  Write a short 5-7 paragraph synopsis analyzing how listening to certain music can be an effective relaxation technique, include your own thoughts and feelings regarding the segment, too.

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In their daily lives, humans feel tense or upset about certain events in life; also, work pressure and hectic days are factors which lead to accumulation of stress (Beck et al., 2015). Therefore, people seek relaxation in a variety of ways. Restoration of calmness has been an integral part of relaxation hence several techniques come in handy during this particular process. Listen to certain music is one of the techniques used as it brings about a relaxed aesthetic feeling to the listener. In that regard, music plays a key role in generating a feel-good factor that most people seek.

Word count: 567