How Starbucks Develops a Business Ethics Strategy on Managing Diversity and Corporate Social Responsibility


How Starbucks Develops a Business Ethics Strategy on Managing Diversity and Corporate Social Responsibility



Write a 2000 word essay critically analyzing how an organization that you are familiar with can develop a business ethics strategy on

(a) Managing diversity and

(b) Corporate social responsibility in the context of an HR manager.


Write a 1000 reflection report on how managing diversity and corporate social responsibility impact your skills and knowledge as an aspiring HR manager.

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       Starbucks operates as a coffeehouse chain company that is based in Washing, United States. The company is a multinational in the coffee shop industry hence it operates globally. Due to its global operations, the company employs workers from diverse backgrounds. Therefore, managing diversity at the workplace has been touted as a sure path towards achieving organizational harmony (Kulik, 2014). However, there are ways in which the company can develop ethical strategies that will adequately contain all the diversity issues at the workplace. Due to the large nature of the company, managing diversity should be ethical enough since the company represents a global outlook (Choi and Rainey, 2010). An all-inclusive and uniform strategy could be vital for the company to realize exponential growth to beat competition from rivals such as Mcdonald’s McCafe and Costa Coffee. In managing diversity, the company would be assured of total support from all employees. As a result, the workforce would be enjoined in the company’s vision and set goals. The strategy works at ensuring that it makes all the employees feel part of the success of the company despite their various backgrounds.

Word Count: 3500