How the Middle East represented women in the cinema compared to Europe


How the Middle East represented women in the cinema compared to Europe


The topic you choose must be clearly connected to the unit theme of global film and television (Beyond Hollywood”). Focus on one of the following: a text, a genre, an institution, or a debate.
When developing your final research project, you might like to use one of the approaches profiled close textual analysis, genre study, study of a transnational remake, audience research, and distribution research.
Use at least 8 high-quality academic sources, and in addition to any other research materials you might use for the project (film reviews, press coverage, news media, etc).

Answer preview

People around the world have come to rely on media for information on how the society operates. At some point, it now even appears that the media in a very strong way influences the choices made by some members of the society. Either through film, news, cinema, or otherwise, the media plays a big role in creating representations. A very interesting observation on how media represents certain aspects of the society lies in the comparison between media representation of women in cinema in the Middle East and in Europe. These films are created with loaded messages that are intended for an audience (Alcolea-Banegas, 2009).

Word count: 2743