How to Improve Post-Graduate Experience at Lincoln University


How to Improve Post-Graduate Experience at Lincoln University


Write an essay paper on how to Improve Post-Graduate Experience at Lincoln University

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In order not to bring familiarity which could cloud my judgment and consequently create bias in the research, I searched for a friend of a friend. The participant was willing to conduct the interview, and for the sake of creating a safe space, we both decided to conduct the interview in the library. This, therefore, meant that we could talk in a place where there was a serene environment, and where the interviewee could feel free and talk about the subject in an in-depth manner (Każmierska, 2004 pg. 159). In order to obtain the best results, I decided to take on an unstructured interview as the medium. An unstructured interview can be defined as an interview that does not follow any particular format or any style of questions. It is important to note that in this interview I had several predetermined interview questions that would help guide the interviewee (Rotar-Pavlič, 2010 pg. 386).

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