How to Write a Conclusion

There are several types of conclusions. However, learning how to write a conclusion for your essay is a brilliant undertaking.

Like the preamble, the conclusion is another important part of any essay.

It gives the author a better amplitude to leave their reader with a thoughtful endgame of a discussion.

Therefore, it is of great importance that one needs to write a conclusion that is more precise in nature.

The conclusion should be more than a bare restating of your entire thesis and a brief retelling of your primary ideas.

Remember that the conclusion part of an essay should come with a summary of your main points.

Such a summary will help your readers to recall all the commanding ideas that you have afore covered.

Besides that, you’ll be competent to use one or other instruments to make your document piece more absorbing.

Now let’s put our attention to the most important question – how to start a conclusion paragraph that will impress your readers greatly?

You can ask your hunt machine to get the most effective cases of how to start a conclusion paragraph or the best words to start a conclusion.

Consequently, through such research, you’ll get lots of expressions like in conclusion cases; wrap the essay up, etc.

As a good writer, you can take what you have gathered and present it in a more creative way and make the paper stand out from others.

Consequently, this will help you in a very great way because it will excite the educationists and make them get interested in reading your work.

Some ideas on how to write a good conclusion include:


Using the framing option is a unique and consummate impressive technique as a conclusion starter.

Framing means where you need to state a particular account or idea in the preamble and coming back to the conclusion part with the same idea.

For you to be able to employ this technique you must be very keen and particular.

Choose an idea you feel confident writing about because you have to write about it with perfection.

For example, if you used the reference of an event, person, or any of your recollections in the preamble, come back with the same style of expressions to start a conclusion.

Additionally, for you to achieve this effect, you can make the same conclusion transition words as per the first sentence of the particular paper.

Proposing a Solution

One of the most popular ideas to start your conclusion is to present it directly as the solution to the problem that you have described in your paper.

The concept of most academic research papers entails identifying a problem, explaining why it is a problem, and giving a solution.

The solution can be for economic, political, or social issues.

Therefore, you can omit re-presenting the problem in the conclusion part.

Instead, you can start your conclusion with effective ideas to address the issues.

This type of approach to start a conclusion can be quite effective.

Additionally, it is the best form of approach in cases where you have restrictions on the length of your paper.

However, don’t give a recap of the data that you have already written about in the body.

Go ahead and state the original solution of the issues instead.

This approach is best applicable If you’re working on short assignments.


This is the best way to start your conclusion for an argumentative essay.

However, it is important to note that the argument strategy is equally important to an entire range of assignments or research papers.

Presently you can end up your essay by raising an argument that the readers need to unriddle.

Indeed, if you have described the significance of your argument in the prelude of the essay or paper, it’s also a good idea to come up with the same at the conclusion.

By using the argument technique, you can give value to your paper.

Keep it Simple

Notwithstanding, don’t use complicated expressions.

This is especially risky If you’re looking for the in-conclusion alternatives because you might end up confusing ideas and giving a mixed-up conclusion.

Therefore, keep it as simple as possible so the readers will understand your purpose easily.

Presently you don’t need to put any new information regarding the subject or topic in the conclusion.

Additionally, it is against the writing norms to introduce any new issue in the conclusion by using the newer terms.

As you’re engirdling up your writing presently, use the simplest ideas and expressions possible.

However, don’t dumb down all the information.

On the contrary, be smart on how you organize your words to allow room to infiltrate new ideas without making them stand out.

Strategies on how to start your conclusion

Bring the reader full circle

In this strategy, you’ll return to the main themes you used in the preface by employing the same keywords, conceptions, and same imagery you began the writing piece with.

This will enable you to draw the attention of the reader to the main points and ideas that you would like them to focus on.

The critical difference should be, this time; you’ll bring a new understanding.

Active summary

Instead of throwing simply a usual summary of the antecedent discussion, present a way to the readers that how all of your points fit together, in the context of the thesis and gave evidence.

Types of conclusions

There are different types of conclusions that you can add to different types of essays.

If you’re writing a speech and looking for a way on how to start a conclusion in a speech – there are many options in which you may close your speech.

The conclusion of your speech must be such that reminds your audience of your message and leaves them with a long-lasting and with positive impression.

Additionally, it’s also significant that you should conclude with a proper link to your preamble.

On the other hand, the conclusion of a paper is one of the most essential parts of the entire written piece.

This is because it brings together all the relevant and vital points that you may have discussed throughout the particular paper.

Additionally, it falls into one final section and is crucial because it strengthens your argument.

Consequently, it answers all the questions that you have asked at the threshold of your essay.

To start the conclusion, you need to use catchy, meaningful, and relevant idioms.

Important Points

Below are some points to remember on how to write a conclusion of a paper that may sum up the entire study and ideas you have presented in your essay:

  • Be yourself while starting up the conclusion of your essay
  • Another great tip to start an impressive essay conclusion is to make sure that it sounds more like you
  • You don’t need to sound like someone else
  • Therefore, it is important to start the conclusion with your reflection and impression of what you have achieved after the thorough probe on the subject
  • Additionally, you need to make sure that the tone that you have set throughout the paper is also present in the conclusion. This means you’re writing it in your voice.
  • You can write your conclusion in freestyle
  • When opting to freestyle in your conclusion you need to understand how to start a conclusion without using the words: ”In Conclusion”
  • The conclusion part will come with the writing flow, easily without mentioning any header or without adding any streamers

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