HRM Practices in Chinese Banks


HRM Practices in Chinese Banks


Write a paper HRM Practices in Chinese Banks

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HRM practices have a close relationship with the performance of organizations, because they relate to how the employees within the organization are treated, including the working conditions they work under. The purpose of the research was to investigate the HRM practices applied in private commercial banks, and the state-owned banks, and to identify and discuss the implications of the differences on the banks’ performance. The main research problem which the study seeks to resolve is; are there difference in the HRM strategies between the state-owned and private commercial banks in China; and do those difference, if any, have an impact on the performance of the banking institutions? The study relied on primary data from respondents working in the case banks in China to examine the differences in HRM practices. The implication of any observed HR strategies between the two bank types were inferred based on the existing literature on the effect of HR practices on and bank ownership on the organizational performance. No quantitative data was involved, as the primary research was sufficient for the behavioral research approach to explore the HRM practices. Only the primary information gathered from the respondents was used in the study, as it was assumed to be sufficient, since the employees deal with HR issues such as the HR strategies and policies, best practices, employee issues, and performance management and appraisal, among others.

Word Count: 1300