HRM Report


HRM Report


Write a paper discussion on HRM report

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Human resource management (HRM) entails combining human capital and material resources to accomplish organizational goals and objectives. This report explores and evaluates the purpose of HRM through selected activities. The report is structured into two sections. The first section provides an analysis and evaluation of seminar activities (human resource planning, the role of line manager, recruitment and selection, training and development, employee relations and reward management) by drawing from the relevant academic literature. The second section provides a reflective analysis, focusing on experience and learning points during the seminar groups. The report shows that HRM is an elaborate function that requires adequate planning in order to align HR activities to the organizational values and strategic vision. It also demonstrates the important role of the Line Manager to influence the implementation of HRM decisions and foster a positive employee-employer relationship. The need to acquire and retain the right employees, and keeping them satisfied through reward and employee development is also demonstrated.

Word Count: 4400