Human-Built World by Thomas P. Hughes


Human-Built World by Thomas P. Hughes


Human-Built World by Thomas P. Hughes (2004)

Based on your reading of that selection, write a summary response paper.  The essay should follow the guidelines below:

  • Include summary of the content of the chapters that you read
    • The summary should be about a page long
    • The summary should be ONLY the ideas in the text – your opinions and ideas should not be in this section
  • Next, you write a response
    • Your response should be about a page long.
    • Ask yourself what the ideas or facts are that made the biggest impact on you.
    • Were you surprised?
    • Did you learn something that is different from something you already knew?
    • Then, you explore your own reaction – why is the idea or face you’re presenting the one that really resonated with you?

Answer preview

According to Human-Built World by Thomas P. Hughes, in his thoughts on the age of imperialism, he asserts that technology is a creative gift that god gave man. In chapter one, which defines technology

“as craftsmen, mechanics, inventors, engineers, designers, and scientists using tools, machines, and knowledge to create and control the human-built world consisting of artifacts and systems associated mostly with the traditional fields of civil, mechanical, electrical, mining, materials, and chemical engineering.” (Hughes 2004).

He goes on posit that through the ingenuity of man the world changed drastically. In that age of imperialism, man used the gift to invent the railroads, the highways and even invent electricity. The land scape of even the African countries changed as the developed nations tried to outdo each other in showing their technological might.

Word count: 366