Human Relations, Programming and Interpersonal Communication


Human Relations, Programming and Interpersonal Communication


Question 1)

Complete the readings for this unit and then complete additional research on the McClelland theory of needs. Remember, McClelland believes that individuals are motivated by achievement, power, and affiliation, yet they tend to favor one over the others. After reviewing and researching the theory, discuss which one seems to motivate you the most (achievement, power, or affiliation), and explain why. Minimum 200 words.

Question 2)

A co-worker sends you a business-related email about the new project assignment. The email has numerous grammar and spelling errors. His language is confusing and you are not certain what the message is stating. You bring up the issue and he responds disgruntled and angrily stating that it was only an email and you are overreacting. By utilizing the concepts from the readings for this unit, how would you appropriately respond to this situation as a professional? Minimum 200 words.

Question 3)

In this unit, we reviewed the selection control structure. We learned that the selection structure indicates that a decision needs to be made, followed by an appropriate action derived from that decision. How does a programmer determine whether a problem’s solution requires a selection structure? Minimum 200 words.

Question 4)

Have you created application interfaces in the past? What do you find confusing about them? Do you prefer any of the controls (button control, Click event procedures) over others? Discuss any issues or helpful hints that you have encountered when using controls in this course or in your past experience. Minimum 200 words.

Answer preview

A programmer determines when a problem requires selection structure when a decision needs to be made. When computing, a programmer needs to complete certain actions through the computer which can only be instructed on actions to execute through commands or conditions.  Based on specific condition, the selection structure shows that a decision should be made and follows it by appropriate set of actions resulting from the decision. Every program works with different set of instructions. When a programmer need to simply actions of a program through a computer a selection structure must be developed in a language understandable to the computer.

Word count: 936