Human Rights Violation Involved in Global Networks of Production-Case of Rana Plaza Collapse


Human Rights Violation Involved in Global Networks of Production-Case of Rana Plaza Collapse


Drawing on the Ran Plaza building collapse, discuss the potential human rights violations involved in global networks of production. Also discuss their implications for future managers working in the global apparel and retail industries.

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The garment industry has become an integral pillar in the economies of many countries, particularly in the Far East countries. However, lack of proper structural standards in the factories has resulted in fatal accidents. The most recent case was in 2013 when Rana Plaza (in Bangladesh) collapsed due to structural failures killing more than 1000 people while maiming about 2500 people (Manik et al., 2013). Several garment factories in the building were fuelling debate on human rights violation in the garment industry. For instance, there was a considerable number of casualties in the tragedy because of the poor safety standards.

Word count: 1251