Humanism and its Aspirations


Humanism and its Aspirations



the Humanist Manifesto III promulgated by the American Humanist Association are two examples of statements of values regarding human nature.

Please read both publications  and select a statement from each publication and describe what ideology you believe that statement reflects and why.

Answer Preview 

Humanists assert that through experience, ethical values are a product of human interests and needs.  Advocates for treatment of persons with dignity and worth; this is in line with individual liberty and equality that is the essence of liberalism.

Fulfillment in life is a consequence of participation in ideals that are considered humane.  Humanists believe that there is purpose behind every life, even as we strive to find awe and wonder in the beauties and joys of human existence.  In times of plenty, humanism is relied on to provide encouragement while in times of want it provides comfort. The process is focused on completeness and thoroughness thus radical.

Word Count: 400