



Bio-Psychosocial report and research outline
Write a three -page bio-psych-social. On the same document write a one-page outline of your research paper.
My client: a girl 10 years old has hypoglycemia since birth. She uses the pump for medication and sensor to read the sugar.

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Source of Referral

Here, I will identify the people who referred the client to a particular hospital. Possibilities of reference, in this case, could either be referents such as neighbors, parents, other doctors, teachers, or the client’s workmates. Personal details of the referents will be kept confidential, that is, their occupations will be listed, but the specific names will not be mentioned.

Source of Information

In this part, I will indicate where the client’s source of information. Possibilities of the source of information could be an interview with the client, the people who referred them, or previous case files that could have been recorded.

Reason for Referral

In this section, the reason why the client was referred will be identified. The problem the client is facing will be put to detail in this part.

Word count: 891