Ideology and Power in the English Rural Landscape Paintings of Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century


Ideology and Power in the English Rural Landscape Paintings of Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century


Questions that should be addressed in your Research Project include:
 Why have you chosen your subject, and how does it relate to the discipline?
 What are the specific aims of your Project?
 What questions is it seeking to address?
 How does the subject of your Research Project relate to a general field of
enquiry and relevant publications?
 What methods have you used in the course of your research? Did you need
to acquire specific techniques and skills?
 How would you evaluate the different research methods that you have used?
If an approach failed, did that have an impact on the overall Project?
 Has your Project changed during the course of your work on it? Was your
initial question appropriate and well formulated?

Answer Preview

Throughout the late 18th and early 19th, there is a far- reaching sentiment for rural landscapes and peasantry. The proposed research aims at investigating the peasantry paintings. That is, the view of lower social class mostly living in the rural environment, and which was mostly withdrawn from the urban lifestyle, in English rural landscape painting (Bermingham, 1999; Miller, 2001). The study focuses on the paintings by Thomas Gainsborough, George Stubbs, George Morland, and John Constable between the late eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth century (Newton, 1978; Nygren and Hayes, 1984). Hence, this is a typological investigation of specific themes and ideas as advanced by the selected artists.

Word Count: 600