IMAGINE – A Health Insurance Policy breakdown


IMAGINE – A Health Insurance Policy breakdown


It is important that you use a narrative format for this assignment. So how do you implement the change you proposed with PREPARE?
I in IMAGINE= Develop an innovative Idea.
Summarize PREPARE by answering the following:

What is the unmet client/agency need the proposal addresses?
Exactly whom will the proposed change serve?
What services will the change provide or alter?

M in IMAGINE= Muster support and formulate an action system.
Conceptualize the macro practice environment by identifying each of the following Create a diagram that shows their relationship with one another:
-the change agent system (the person or persons who initiate the change process; will likely be you only, but could also be a subgroup in the agency or even you and a client system)
-the action system (those people who agree and are committed to work together to accomplish the proposed change; who do you recruit to get support for your project or program or change?)
-the target system (the system that social workers must change or influence in order to accomplish their goals; could be our agency or part of our agency or some outside entity—legislators or community members)
-the macro client system (Who will ultimately benefit from the change process?)
Ask, in relation to forming your action system:
^ Who in the agency feels strongly about this project or change in addition to you?
^ Whom (if anybody) do you need to obtain permission from in order to undertake the change?
^ Who outside the agency will be your greatest allies?
^ What will you call these individuals? Advisory boards? Task forces?

A in IMAGINE= Identify Assets.
Assets are resources and advantages that will help you undertake and complete the proposed change process. Consider the following general categories:
^ funding (What money do you have already?)
^ material resources (office space, curriculum, etc.)
^ time (How much of it do you have?)
^ strengths, skills, knowledge of those individuals involved (including you!)

G in IMAGINE= Specify Goals, objectives, and action steps to attain them.
Goals = broad general outcome you hope to accomplish
Objectives = specific sub-goals that serve as stepping stones to accomplish the primary goal
Action steps = tasks that must be completed to achieve the desired objectives and thus achieve the goal;
formula = “who will do what by when” Write one goal, three objectives for that goal, and as many action steps as are necessary for each objective.

I in IMAGINE= Implement the plan.
This involves carrying out the goals, objectives, and action steps.
Create a PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) chart (See p. 229)—a flow or time chart that depicts the series of tasks or activities to be done in the order they should be done.

N in IMAGINE= Neutralize opposition.
Expect and be ready for resistance along the way.
Next, identify the primary individuals or groups you are likely to address with the proposed change—i.e., those in your target system. Consider what type of audience each is:
^Are they hostile?
^Are they sympathetic?
^Are they apathetic?
^Are they expert?
Use the In the Tiger’s Mouth social barometer tool to propose a strategy you will use to address each potential audience. Identify the strategy as either collaborative or adversarial, as discussed in the text. Justify why you chose that strategy. How will it produce the results you need?

E in IMAGINE= Evaluate progress.
Can serve to monitor progress and target the end results—Did you do what you set out to do? In a
paragraph each, discuss how you will accomplish both tasks.

^Who will monitor progress? How will he/she do so?
^How will you know you have accomplished your goal and objectives? State, “I will know this project/program/policy change is a success when____.”
^What specific measurement tools will you use? Describe this measurement tool.

Answer preview

Psychotherapy is a form of mental health treatment, but not a form of treatment that is insured. Mental illness is a major health problem, as such; having a treatment that is insured by insurance companies is equally significant. The proposal to come up with a policy that helps patients is the main objective of the agency, as this is something that is lacking, in a society that requires urgent mental health care.

Word count: 1409