Impact of Internet on Cultures around the World


Impact of the Internet on Cultures around the World


“The growth in internet use has affected cultures around the world, leading to a westernized, homogenous world culture.”

Using existing literature and data, critically evaluate this claim in relation to at least 3 of the following areas:

  1. Politics
  2. Business
  3. Youth culture
  4. Language


  1. The line spacing must be 2 (double)
  2. The font type must be Arial
  3. The font size must be 12
  4. The pages must be numbered in the bottom right corner

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From a positive perspective, it is crucial to note that the internet presents a chance for a shared sense of beliefs and culture. With the internet create a homogenous platform in the form of uniformity in culture, how the youths apply certain ideas can all be attributed to the use of the internet (Molnar, 2014). For instance, communication topics and habits have greatly been influenced through online platforms. The development of information and communication among the youth can be attributed to this platform as the youth culture takes a new shape (Consalvo and Ess, 2011). With the current debates on communication tools, the internet creates uniformity by linking all the cultural global concepts together. Most cultural issues that have faced the youth since time immemorial can simply be addressed through the internet. The youth culture has significantly changed across the globe and aligned itself to the western culture that lays emphasis on the sense of sharing ideas to solve common problems (Mesch, 2009).

Word Count: 2500