Impact of Mental Illness on Teenagers based on A Mother’s Reckoning


Impact of Mental Illness on Teenagers based on A Mother’s Reckoning


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The most striking aspect about the book, that I found moving was the moment that Klebold’s husband got off the phone and informed her wife about the gruesome murders and suicide that Dylan was believed to have done. All along from her drive from work to home, she hoped and prayed that her son was fine, but the phone call changed everything in her life. No mother ever wants to hear that her golden boy has turned into a murderer. Hence, as any other mother would in the situation, she cried helplessly, because she not only lost a son, but also her son was the cause of all the problems that had befallen the school and the country. This part was moving for me because sometimes parents are expected to be strong for their children, but roles may be reversed in some cases such as the incident that happened between Byron and Klebold. Besides, Byron played a complementary role in her mother’s situation. Because he said nothing, he only comforted her by holding her and allowing her to cry in her arms.

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