Impacts and Effects of British Colonization on Aboriginal Australian Peoples(A Case of Stolen Generations)


Impacts and Effects of British Colonization on Aboriginal Australian Peoples(A Case of Stolen Generations)


The major essay aims to develop writing skills and most importantly facilitate a broad, but a deeper understanding of Aboriginal Australian Peoples, Societies, and Communities QUESTION Explore and discuss the impacts and effects of British colonization on Aboriginal Australian Peoples.

Select from one of the following topic areas:


  • Traditional Society and Culture


  • Frontier Conflict and Dispossession



3) Aboriginal Protection Board Era


  • Stolen Generation



  • The Assimilation Board Era



  • Aboriginal Australian Employment: Past and Present



7) Aboriginal Australian Education: Past and Present



  • Contemporary Aboriginal Australian Housing

Answer Preview 

Societal and community settings have been interfered with at a greater depth since the British Colonies invaded Australia. One of the most community transitioning processes has been the long history of the separation of Aboriginal children from their parents in the country (Commonwealth of Australia, 1997). Although the Aboriginal children had been victims of separation in relation to different coercive procedures since the invasion of European colonists in Australia, the worst occurred during the assimilation process instigated by the colonial government to eradicate the cultural independence of the Aboriginal community by separating children from their families and communities.

Word Count: 2200