Important Functions of Carbohydrates in the Body


Important Functions of Carbohydrates in the Body


You are required to have 2 peer-reviewed references for the topic you have chosen. Minimum of 500 words, NO more than 750 words or approximately 3 paragraphs (expected range of 500 to 750 words) plus your references for your answer.

  1. Discuss one or two of the most important functions of carbohydrates in the body.
  2. How are carbohydrates used in or by the digestive system?
  3. How do the different types of fiber contribute to health in the body?
  4. What happens if dietary intake has excess refined, fragmented and / or processed carbohydrates for many years?

Answer preview

Carbohydrates are complex molecules whose basic unit is simple sugars like glucose and fructose. Just like proteins, different kinds of starch ae made up of different sugars in different configurations. In order for carbohydrates to be utilized in the human body there is need for them to be broken down into simple sugars by the body. The breakdown of starches begins in the mouth with salivary amylase which is an enzyme found in saliva. The breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates continues throughout the gastro-intestinal tract. Because carbohydrates are simpler than other macromolecules like protein or lipids, their breakdown and absorption is relatively easier.

Word count: 708