Increasing breastfeeding rates for young mothers aged between 20 and 30 years


Increasing breastfeeding rates for young mothers aged between 20 and 30 years


The objective of the Assessment 1 Scoping Report is to develop a rounded understanding of the social
issue and of how the target audience perceives the social issue. That is, to harness a good
understanding as to why they are ‘doing’ the bad behavior and to identify an engaging alternative
behavior that is healthier and safer, and importantly that the target audience sees as relevant and
viable to consume.
The Scoping Report is the pre-cursor to developing a social change strategy, and enables consideration
of strategy options yet does not solely ‘fix’ on any one option. Importantly, the Scoping Report sets out
the rationale for the Social Change Strategy.

Answer Preview 

In a study to determine why women opt to breastfeed as required or not, Australian National Infant Feeding Survey (2011), women hold different reasons as determinants of their breastfeeding choices. A greater proportion of the women (94%) considered breastfeeding as an important practice of raising healthy children. Further, a substantial proportion of women (64%) considered breastfeeding as the most convenient method of meeting the nutritional needs of a child. A similar proportion of mothers believed that continuous breastfeeding creates a strong mother-child bond, an important element of their relationship. However, the survey identified that most of the mothers who chose not to breastfeed (38%) were influenced by prior experience which proved challenging. Another 29% proportion of the respondents cited that their partners influenced breastfeeding practice as they also needed to “share feeding”. The last group accounting for 26% considered the use of infant formula as a strong alternative to breast milk, and could easily use it as a substitute.

Word Count: 2400