Individual Reflection on Management under Uncertainty


Individual Reflection on Management under Uncertainty


Write an Individual Reflection on Management under Uncertainty

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The primary objective of the group assignment was to come up with concrete literature that could give main arguments on the chosen topic. There was a general feeling landing on the best source of the information could be vital in giving top-notch arguments over other groups. The idea was to use the minimum time as possible to put up a convincing argument hence demystifying particular issues on risk and uncertainty in management. I thought that the members were taking longer than unnecessary in trying to come up with a suitable source. Additionally, the way argued, I had a feeling that he was trying to belittle other suggestions and insinuated that his opinion was the best. In order to come up with proper decisions opinions of every stakeholder should be put into the account (Kaner, 2014). As group members settled on scholarly journals as a reliable sources of information for the task, it was evident that valuable information could be gathered. I feel it was the best decision that was made despite the tussle involved in trying to settle on that alternative. In fact, it will give a detailed account of risk in management and other relevant details.

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